I Survived & Thrived!

Hey guys!
I am back after a short hiatus, or perhaps it was a bit longer than that. I just completed my last semester of college! These past few weeks have been so crazy between final projects, presentations, and events galore, but now the storm has passed and I have come out on top.
It was a very successful semester for me as I ended my college career with all A's. Finals week was quite stressful as I was trying to get everything done on time at the quality I expect myself to produce, but luckily I had a great support system motivating me along the way. I am going to be graduating summa cum laude as a member of Alpha Mu Gamma (foreign language honor society in Italian and Spanish), Phi Beta Kappa (highest ranking honor society), and Eta Pi Lambda (Communication), and as a student fellow as a part of the Humanities Institute at my school. Needless to say, I will be wearing a lot of cords around my shoulders in less than a week.
It's a weird feeling to know I'll be graduating from college in less than a week. I'm so ready to be done and move on to the next chapter of my life, but it is sure to be a strange feeling since I haven't not been in the education world since I was a small girl. I've put so much into my education, which of course cost me a great deal. Between the stress and long hours, I rarely had any fun at school. It's the downside of being a perfectionist. Some may say this is a bad thing, and perhaps they are not entirely wrong, but I like putting forth my best effort no matter what it is I'm doing. Putting forth maximum effort on anything means something will have to be pushed to the wayside.
Aside from all of the end-of-year coursework, I have also been applying for jobs. I've been applying since March and have yet to hear back from anyone. It's not easy to see a bunch of your classmates get jobs and seemingly have things all figured out when you don't, but I'm trying to remain positive. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, and I know I'm deserving of a good career, so I am just trying to not give up hope. I have to keep reminding myself, and having those around me remind me, that most people do not have jobs right out of college. It might seem like that is the case, but the vast majority of students are searching for jobs for quite a long time, and rarely do they get a job they actually like. I know I am probably not going to end up in the field that I hope to right out of the gate, but to be honest, that does not really bother me anymore. I just want a job with a steady paycheck. I don't know what is going to happen in the next few weeks, so I guess we will just wait and see.
In the meantime, I'm going to be throwing all of my attention back into this blog. I have a lot of ideas and really want to work towards building my following and developing a more structured publishing schedule. In my absence, I have somehow gained a lot more Twitter followers and have gotten a decent number of page views, so that is exciting to see. I have some makeup products put aside and ready to write about as well as some skincare stuff too. I know that now since I am graduating, I won't be writing as much about college. I do have some more post ideas about college that I want to write about, so I will still post them, but sadly I must make the transition to adult life and will be making more posts focused on young adult life in general.
Also, I am debating about switching my platform over to Wordpress. I'm not entirely sure how to do that, and while I do love Wix, I hear Wordpress is a lot better for gaining a following. I'm hoping that once I do have a steady income that I will be able to pay for my own domain to grow my site. If any of you use Wordpress or have made the switch over, please let me know! I could use all of the help I can get if I decide to do it.
So that is about it for now, but fresh posts are on their way. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. Thank you all for sticking around!
Stina :)