80 Awesome Aspirations

Life goals: Things that you hope to accomplish/have/do/be/etc. in your lifetime. We all have them, but of course everyone has different goals that are unique to their interests and character. I often find myself dreaming of all of the things that I want to do in the future, some things more plausible than others, but wondrous ventures to think about nonetheless. Of course, life goals could also be considered a bucket list, but I am not a fan of that terminology.
When I first sat down to write this, I have to admit I really needed to give it some serious thought. I didn't just want to write down the same overused ideas of what would be included in a goal worthy life. We have all had the fantasy of fame and fortune with a perfect husband, but I find those things to be superficial and, well, implausible. I want to form a list of things with more substance and that is perhaps more manageable - though to say that I will achieve all of these things is pushing it a bit, but we can try. So without further ado, here is a list of goals I am setting for myself to accomplish during my lifetime.
1. Speak five languages, fluently.
English, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian
2. Travel to every single Disney resort in the world
3. Visit at least fifty different zoos from across the country
4. Open my own bakery
Perhaps a tea shop/world's greatest brunch site complete with pastries and desserts galore
5. Write a book
Or a memoir about my life
6. Meet Keith Urban
Because bae is everything
7. Open a no kill animal rescue shelter
With a senior dog sanctuary
8. Dye my entire head pink
Then purple, then blue, then all of the colors
9. Be taken seriously by everyone I encounter
10. Go to an open mic night and try stand-up comedy
11. Gain control of my tiresome and never-ending thoughts
Because anxiety plagues my existence
12. Write a screenplay
That is actually made into a movie
13. Visit 100 different museums
14. Read a book backwards from chapter to chapter (that I have never read before)
15. Flash a kiss-cam
When I'm 90 ;)
16. Learn to play the piano
17. Travel through every country in Europe
18. Pet a flamingo
19. Have my face on the front of a magazine or newspaper For doing something good or exciting
20. Be able to look in the mirror and not think I have a single flaw
21. Develop a famous quote that people use and reflect on for years to come
22. Travel to all 5o states
Road trip!
23. Go to one of those candy shops where you fill up bags and go absolutely crazy
I mean like really crazy
24. Go crazy shopping at the largest Sephora (in NYC btw)
I mean, if money were no object, of course.
25. Make it my entire life without ever getting drunk
Doing well so far!
26. Go on vacation by myself
27. Stop being a hypochondriac
28. Get a six-pack (even if it doesn't last longer than a few days)
Then be one of those pregnant moms with a six pack that everyone is uber jealous of.
29. Make a habit of doing crunches every morning and night
If I'm going to ever get that six-pack...
30. Teach my dogs to hug one another
31. Continue to play the viola until I'm 90
Community orchestras here I come!
32. Have Crayola select a color name that I come up with
Then get free coloring books and materials for the rest of my life
33. Go brunette for a year
34. Have someone say I changed their life
35. Become a motivational speaker
Not quite like this, but you get the point.
36. Win an award for something
Other than for academics
37. Make my own homemade makeup collection from scratch
38. Invent something even if I'm the only one who uses it
39. Collaborate with a makeup company to develop a palette
40. Build my own beauty room in my future home
A big one
41. Go through an entire cookbook and make every recipe in it within a year
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and certainly dessert
42. Host a Travel Channel show
Fun fact: I'm friends with Samantha Brown on Facebook
43. Ride an elephant
44. Have a pet cow, goat, sheep, and pig
OK, so just have a small farm
45. Have someone say that I inspire them
46. Experience a whole week without a single worry
Least possible, but a girl can dream can't she?
47. Lie down on the ground and be swarmed by puppies
Everyone's dream
48. Avoid divorce (unless he is a jerk or wrongs me in any way)
49. Win a physical fight (and not go to jail)
50. Learn the art of photography
51. Drink fancy hot chocolate outside at a fancy ski lodge
In Vermont or Colorado...or both
52. Learn how to snowboard
Then drink the hot chocolate mentioned above
53. Go gambling once (and hopefully do well)
54. Get my first apartment on apartments.com and tweet Jeff Goldblum when I do
55. Watch every single Disney movie ever made in one year
56. Renew my wedding vows in Disney World
Yes, I am a Disney fanatic
57. Learn how to surf
In Hawaii
58. Be a hilarious grandma
The kind that is internet famous
59. Build a craft room in my future home
60. Visit Egypt
61. Go to pastry school
Not for a full 4 years, but something at least
62. Breed Labradors
63. Get a spray tan
So I am no longer translucent
64. Take a course in pottery
Then proceed to decorate my home with the pottery I make
65. Run for a local election
66. Win a huge giveaway
Makeup related would be ideal, but I'll take anything
67. Win the lottery
Even if it is only a few hundred dollars
68. Have a song written about me
69. Make a huge super fancy cake for no reason
70. Try every single drink on Starbucks menu (or any one coffee shop's menu)
71. Be a godparent
72. Make fresh pasta in Italy
73. Spend a week in NYC
Fancy hotel included
74. Dine at a really fancy restaurant that all the celebrities go to
75. Become a parent
Probably should have put this higher on the list
76. Adopt a child
77. Enter a badminton tournament
And become a champion
78. Host a super fancy dinner party for no reason
Complete with elegant gowns
79. Walk along the Hollywood Walk Of Fame
80. Run a super successful blog
Working on it :)
Phew that took a long time and I'm sure there is more that I can't think of at the moment. Those are all of the things that I hope to accomplish, have, do, see, or be in my entire lifetime. While more are certainly for attainable than others, I am not one to give up hope so easily!
So now that I have hopefully inspired your life goal list, what are some of your goals? I would love to hear what you hope to do in your lifetime, so let me know in the comments section down below!