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Accepting The Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination

Accepting The Sunshine Blogging Award Nomination

Hello everyone! Today I have some exciting news for you all. A few weeks back, I was nominated by the lovely Allie of The Living With Love Project (@WeLiveLovingly), for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Since then, I have been nominated twice more by Another Little Birdie (@tinybirdieblog) and Chelsee Dagger (@chelsee_dagger). I have linked all of my nominators' blogs, so please go check them out! They are great writers and have some amazing content so please go subscribe to their blogs and follow them on Twitter.

I am grateful for these nominations and the outlet they give me to continue connecting with other bloggers. I love getting to not only spread my content to a larger audience, but to read the work of so many others out there. So without any further ado, let's begin!

Here are the rules for nominees:

1) Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2) Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3) Nominate 5-11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4) List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or in your blog


The questions asked of me from The Living With Love Project (@WeLiveLovingly) :

1) I nominated you all because I think you're super talented! How long have you been blogging for & why did you decide to start?

I have been blogging for about nine months. I did take a break for a bit in the fall when I was away at school, but I am back now and better than ever! I decided to start blogging because writing and makeup are two of my biggest passions, so what better way to combine the two than start blogging. I also love writing about life and providing meaningful content to a wide audience in hopes of doing some good in the world.

2) Music says a lot about people. What do you like to listen to?

I listen to all kinds of music, country, rap, pop, but I would have to say that Keith Urban is my all-time favorite singer. I have seen him in concert twice and I hope I get the chance to see him again in the future. My favorite song of his is "Tonight I Wanna Cry."

3) What types of things do you prefer to blog about?

I prefer to mostly write about makeup, but I also love to include some more personal posts addressing my personal experiences.

4) If you only had one day left on earth, what would you do?

Perhaps this might sound boring, but I would probably just sit at home on the couch with my dogs watching Law & Order: SVU with my mom for the whole day.

5) If you could be in any movie/TV show, what would you want to be in?

It doesn't exist (though I am still holding out hope), but I would love to be in Father of the Bride Part III. But because that doesn't exist, I would love to be in an episode as VEEP.

6) Any passions other than blogging?

I would have to say that baking is a huge passion of mine. I was very close to going to culinary school instead of regular college. I also love foreign languages and am trilingual in English, Italian, and Spanish.

7) Who do you look up to the most?

I look up to my mom the most. She is my greatest inspiration and I hope to one day be half the woman that she is.

8) If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is one is super hard. I would have to say cookies -especially ones that are right out of the oven.

9) Advice for your younger self?

To stop comparing myself to other people so much and to learn how to do what makes me happy without thinking about the opinions of others.

10) Do you have a new years resolution? If you do, what is it?

To dedicate myself to finding a job after I graduate from college in May.

11) Lastly, if you could offer any advice to a new blogger, what would it be?

My biggest advice would be to never give up even if you get frustrated. Reach out to other bloggers, and never stop trying to get your stuff out there. It might take a while, but if you keep trying, your voice will be heard.


The questions asked of me from Another Little Birdie (@tinybirdieblog):

1) If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be and why?

I would 100% dye hair bright pink. I have always wanted to since pink is my all-time favorite color, but I have never done it. I have had pink highlights before. Perhaps one day I will do my whole head.

2) Who is the most interesting celebrity to you?

Mindy Kaling because she is able to keep so much of her personal life hidden yet I feel like I know so much about her. I think she is absolutely hilarious in everything that she does, and I also think that she is a great role model for young women.

3)What is your biggest pet peeve?

When people either say "um" a million times during a presentation or if they stare at the professor when they are giving their presentation. I think it is perhaps the communication major/public speaking lover in me that gets so disturbed when these things occur.

4)What fictional place would you like to go to?

This is a tough one. I would say Narnia, but I hate the cold. However, it would be awesome to be able to talk to a lion, so I'm conflicted.

5)What songs do you have completely memorized?

Basically every Keith Urban song. I am that dedicated.

6)What fad/trend do you hope will come back?

I don't really follow trends to be honest.

7)What city would you live in if you could?

Amsterdam! I think the Netherlands are absolutely beautiful and full of culture and artwork, so I would love to live in that city for awhile.

8)Do you fit into any stereotypes?

I suppose my love for makeup and everything pink perhaps categorizes me as a stereotypical girly girl.

9)What is your favorite smell?

This is quite the interesting question haha. I love the smell of coffee! Not only do I need it to survive on a daily basis, but I love how it smells when it is freshly brewed.

10)Name the biggest turning point in your life.

The loss of my older brother was a huge turning point for me. It really put things into perspective and got me thinking about the bigger questions in life.

11)What do you wish you could tell yourself 10 years ago?

That the petty drama isn't worth a moment of your time. Taking the high road is always the way to go.


The questions asked of me from Chelsee Dagger (@chelsee_dagger):

1) Where was your last holiday to? If you haven’t been on holiday where would you like to go?

I haven't been anywhere in quite awhile, so I would say that I would love to do to Disney World. Cliche, I suppose, but I love everything Disney and it has been too long since my last visit.

2) What’s your favourite hobby?

I love to color and to bake. In fact, I almost went to pastry school instead of the college I'm at now.

3)If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

I would be a flamingo because they are my favorite animal, and they are pink. A visit to the zoo is not complete without a stop at the flamingo exhibit.

4)Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

I have two piercings in each ear. I am too chicken to get anymore or to get a tattoo.

5)What’s your favourite colour?

Magenta to be specific, but I love every shade of pink.

6)Why did you start your blog?

I love writing and sharing my life and thoughts, so I thought a blog would be the best outlet for me to express myself and to share my experiences with the world.

7)Where do you get your inspiration for your blog?

I get my inspiration from the blogger communities I have found online, especially on Twitter. They spark new ideas and motivate me to keep writing every day.

8)What is your best childhood memory?

Watching wrestling with my oldest brother.

9)If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

I would start by paying off my college loans, then I would take trips to Sephora and Disney World.

10)Top 3 books and why?

Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick because it was equally a depressing yet uplifting story. Summer by Edith Wharton because she is my favorite writer. And The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck because it was unlike anything I had ever read and really got me into reading in the first place.

11)What is your greatest strength and weakness?

My greatest strength is public speaking. I thrive off the energy that speaking before a crowd gives me and I am always striving to improve my craft. My greatest weakness is that I am a perfectionist and do not know how to cut myself some slack.


Now I nominate (links to their blogs attached to their usernames):

Please go check out their blogs!


My questions for my nominees:

1. I personally support addiction awareness in hopes of stopping the stigma surrounding drug addiction. Do you support any causes?

2. If you had to live in another country for a entire year, where would you live?

3. A very important question: Starbucks or Dunkin? Or if neither, what coffee shop is your favorite?

4. If everything goes according to your plans, where do you see yourself in ten years?

5.What was your favorite toy when you were a little kid?

6. If you could trade places with any one person for a day who would it be, and why?

7. Who is your favorite author?

8. I am trilingual myself and I love learning languages. If you could instantly be able to speak a foreign language fluently, what language would it be?

9. Would you rather be a comedic genius or an intelligent genius?

10. Who and/or what is your spirit animal?

11. What are your blogging goals for the year of 2018?


I am so grateful for my nomination, and I am proud to nominate these lovely bloggers who deserve it so much. Thank you everyone for following along with me as I blog away, and happy blogging to my nominees! I look forward to reading your responses!!

Thanks for being here,

Stina :)



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