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10 Random Things That You Probably Didn't Know About Me


I have shared quite a bit about myself on the internet, but there are some aspects about my life that may not be widely known. This is not to say that they aren't well-known by all because I am sure that there are a number of people out there that are well-aware of how weird I can be, but I think it's fair that I give everyone the chance to get inside my head. So if you ever wanted to know some really obscure stuff about me, just keep reading!

1. I am a coloring book fanatic

Yes, I am 20 and yes I still color, but do I feel any shame? None whatsoever. College is stressful. Life is stressful. My mind is stressful. And what better way to deal with all of the stress than color. I swear it works in helping to calm down that inner voice in me that is always in panic mode. I mean constant panic mode. I'm not kidding. I swear I should leave a book near the side of my bed for when I wake up panicking about some random thing that ends up keeping me up for three hours. It would probably be really beneficial.

2. Father of the Bride Part II is my go-to movie

Who doesn't like a good Steve Martin movie? It's criminal not to, if you ask me. It's that one movie that I actually know all of the characters' names, which doesn't happen all too often. Of course, if the scenario in the movie ever played out in my real life, I would be less than thrilled and I definitely wouldn't handle it well at all. But I enjoy it nonetheless.

Given that there are so many remakes of movies and shows being made, I'm really hoping that a third installment of this one is coming out in the future. If you think about it, the movie is 22 years old, so therefore the babies would be all grown up and could totally be getting married. I would 100% be first in line to see it if a part III was released.

3. My favorite dessert is tiramisu

Suddenly I really want tiramisu, but yes it is my very favorite. I sadly have never made it because I would be the only one in my family to eat it, but one day I will. I read somewhere recently that tiramisu is actually the most popular dessert in America. I don't have a clue if that is any true or not, but it sure rings true for me at least.

4. If I could have dinner with 3 people, dead or alive, I would eat with Lucille Ball, Chris Farley, and Abraham I guess all dead...

I guess I never thought about it, but yes they are all dead. I've been asked this question before - like those stupid introductions at the beginning of every semester in all of your classes. It would certainly be a rather funny dinner with two comedians, though poor Abe really wouldn't fit in.

I have always admired Lucy from the day I watched my first I Love Lucy episode. I then went on to watch every episode of the show, The Lucy Show, and Here's Lucy. I even named my old rabbits Lucy and Ethel (Lucy was a red rabbit, so it was fitting). I also read Lucille Ball's autobiography which was quite the fascinating read. She is certainly one of my greatest inspirations.

As far as Chris Farley, some may think that is probably the most random pick ever, but of all of the old SNL episodes I have seen, he is my all-time favorite. I like to believe that if I could ever possess the humor of Chris Farley and Julia Louis-Dreyfus combined than I would be perfectly content with my life.

Then there is Abe: my original icon and inspiration. After dressing up as him in third grade for a project and continuing to read and learn all there is to know about the man, I still continue to admire him. Bonus random fact: my 7th grade teacher Ms. Bowe knew how obsessed I was with Abe and gave me a poster of him at the end of the year, and it still hangs on my closet door to this very day.

5. I am a strong supporter of hazelnut coffee

Hazelnut coffee is so much better than regular coffee. I suppose it is not surprise that I am a huge Nutella fan and tried hazelnut coffee as a result of the preexisting addiction to hazelnut because of the stuff. Some may think that it is bitter but I don't mind it at all. My favorite brand for it is Gloria Jean's. I have it every single morning from my Keurig and it is the perfect start to my morning.

6. My childhood dream was to be a Rockette

Since I was a tap dancer from age 3 until I became the oldest tap dancer in my school (and there were no more tap classes being offered), I always dreamed of one day being on the big stage. Sadly, I find myself vertically challenged and Rockettes are certainly not 5'3'', so it was and still is nothing more than a far-reaching dream.

7. Flamingos are my favorite animals

OK, well next to dogs of course. I'm not quite sure why flamingos are my favorite, but I always have to see them when I am at the zoo. Maybe it is because they are pink, I'm not sure. Regardless, every time I have had to write a short story for one of my foreign language classes, I have included a flamingo in it. In fact my last one, Domingo the Flamingo, for my Italian creative writing class, was a true masterpiece if I do say so myself.

8. The one thing I get told the most is that I should try out for SNL

I guess I am a pretty funny person, and the thought to try stand-up comedy has crossed my mind a time or two, but I don't think I will be trying out for SNL any time soon. But I do get told this quite often, which is a great compliment in my books. If people think I'm funny, then that makes me one happy girl.

9. My dream is to one day adopt a bloodhound and a basset hound as puppies and name them Winston and Walter

As someone with three yellow labs, this one comes out of left field, but it is nonetheless very true. I think it would be adorable to have two puppies grow up together and be best friends. The two breeds look a lot alike in the face, but of course there is a huge height difference when full-grown, so I think that would make it even cuter.

10. I don't go more than a few days (more like hours) without M&M's

M&M's are in fact my all time favorite candy on the face of the planet. Even when I'm at school I have a stash hidden away somewhere for after I am done with class and need some chocolate. I enjoy them even more than Hershey's chocolate. And if you haven't tried the new caramel M&M's, you are missing out big time.


I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me! If you haven't done so already, follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Bloglovin' - I would love to follow you back:)

Until next time,

Stina :)



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