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Life Update August 2018: New Job & New Puppy

Stina's Sphere : Life Update New Job & New Puppy

Hello, everyone!

For those of you who don't know, I've had quite a bit going on lately. So many things that I didn't have enough time to get a second blog post up last week, but I'm telling myself that's perfectly acceptable given everything going on.

So, if you haven't already gathered from the title of this post, I have two very important updates to share. Firstly, last Monday I started my very first job post college! I now commute an hour and a half each way to and from NYC everyday to get to work. I'm not going to lie, a three hour daily commute is a bit rough, but it could definitely be worse. As long as the trains are on time, I don't mind it. Plus, it gives me time to work on my social media accounts and to blog (if I have the energy to do so). Now if only the train had Wi-Fi service and outlets for me to plug in my phone...

Anyways, I now work in NYC for a great company. The opportunity came to me simply by chance, and honestly I am so grateful for it. Job searching and applying is actually horrible, and not at all easy. I'm very fortunate to have gotten the position that I have with only having been out of school for two months. A lot of people aren't that lucky. After sending out roughly 100 applications myself, it was a huge relief to finally be done -side note- if anyone would be interested in a post on my job search journey and how I was able to find a great job so quickly, let me know and I would be happy to share my tips and tricks.

So far I really enjoy my new role. I got the cubical I always wanted to have. which I know sounds stupid, but it's true. I always remember being younger and walking around NYC and looking up at the office buildings with people sitting at their desks by the window and thinking that I was going to be that person one day. And now I am (although my desk is sadly not by a window).

Everyone in my office is super friendly and so willing to step up and help me whenever I have any questions or get lost. There is still a lot that I need to figure out, like how the elevators all work since they all go to different floors, but that will all come with time...hopefully.


In addition to the new job, we also have a new puppy! Ember Rainy Boalt has joined the clan and boy is she cute. She is Ginger's (my older female dog) niece and the two get along so well. They were both the runts of their litter, so we expect Emmy to eventually be as small as Ging when she is full grown. We were afraid that Ging wouldn't like another puppy since she enjoys being the center of attention at all times, but luckily Ginger really enjoys having a little pal.

GInger and Emmy

Tucker, on the other hand, is scared s***less. He is twelve and still afraid of Ginger and now this tiny little puppy. We still make sure he gets plenty of attention and love as he cowers in the corner and hides from the girls. I have to remind him ever so often that he is still my favorite just in case he forgets.

Ember Rainy Boalt

Emmy is honestly the prettiest little pup I think I have ever laid my eyes on. She is so sweet, and actually very well-behaved for only being a few weeks old. She cries when she needs to go out, to eat, to drink, and even when she wants to go to sleep. She knows how to communicate her needs better than most human babies. You can't even imagine how difficult it is to leave the house in the morning to go to work and to leave those little eyes behind. It should be a crime.

Sleepy Emmy


So those are the two biggest updates in my life at the moment. I am aiming to get a second blog post, that just so happens to also be work-related, up on Friday (or Saturday if life gets in the way). I appreciate you all immensely for sticking around and reading my content. I love sharing my world with you all, and I hope to keep doing so moving forward.

Have a wonderful day!

Stina :)



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