Winter Vacation At Last!

Finally home for winter break after what seemed like the longest semester of my life. It has been quite a while since I have been on here, but once midterms hit, the only thing I had time to think about was schoolwork. I didn't anticipate the semester to be as stressful as it was, but perhaps it was my utter lack of enthusiasm for half of my classes that made it worse. Thank God there is only one semester left.
I can proudly say that my communication capstone project has been completed and my team got a delightful A. That research project was a lot of work and caused hours of stress but my team developed one of the best projects our professor has ever seen. We were researching the effects of political polarization on interpersonal conflict communication behaviors and we gave out a survey and ran a focus group. While I could write at length about our findings, given the fact that the project is 50 pages long I can just sum it up real quick. People generally perceive themselves to be compromising/collaborating in political discussion, but in reality they are much more competing. Perhaps it doesn't seem to be that earth shattering, but from a communication perspective, it is pretty cool.
In other good news, I finished my Spanish minor. Never again will I have to write a paper or give a speech in a foreign language. I personally could not wait to get that minor over with because I never enjoyed a single Spanish class I took. The subject material of those courses were next level pointless and boring, but at least it is over and I can say I did it.
Also, I got myself an internship for next semester! There is a cool story about how the opportunity was presented to me. I got an email at 11pm from my English professor one night about a beauty/fashion internship with CollegeFashionista, I applied the next day, and got the internship within a week. The internship is completely online, but at provides educational programs and opportunities to build my writing portfolio and to connect with people in the industry. I start in a few days and I am very excited. I'm hoping it can push me in the right direction to possibly get a good job after I graduate in a few months.
This brings me into my current situation. While I am at home enjoying some down time with my family and puppers, I am beginning to think about applying to jobs. That is going to be my primary concern for the next few months, so pray for me please. I don't want to find myself at the end of an unemployment line once I'm done with college.
Now, as many of you know, the holidays means baking time at the Boalt residence, and boy was it fun. I attached a slideshow of some of the cookies we baked this year. We also made caramels and candies because I guess we are just that extra. Our baking extravaganza was my chief motivator to get through finals and I am very proud of how everything came out. We will be swimming in cookies for the next few weeks, but what better way to spend my winter break.
Christmas was awesome the other day. Lots of makeup, face masks, and warm fuzzy clothing, so basically all of the makings to put a smile on my face. It was also really fun watching the puppers open their stockings. Ginger got a new lambchop and she already ate one of the ears off, so I take it she liked it. I also loved watching my family open all of the gifts I got for them, especially my mom. I made her a photo necklace on Shutterfly with a baby picture of me and my brothers and she loved it. Overall, I would say it was a successful holiday.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! Soon it will be 2018 and I'm hopeful that it will be a good year-it certainly will be a year of huge change. Until then, I'll be busy cuddling with my dogs and drinking hot cocoa for a few weeks as I work on some work for my fellowship and start my internship online. I want to enjoy my last few weeks of freedom before school starts back up again and before I'm released into the working world soon after that. Here's so ending 2017 on a relaxing note!