Sunday Sessions: I'm Back!

You were getting worried that I was done with this writing stuff, weren't you? No? Well I was. This semester has already destroyed me mentally, emotionally, and physically...and it hasn't even been a full month yet. But I'm back!
The workload has been soul-crushing so far and I don't even want to think about how rough it is going to get once huge papers are due and midterms are here. Although, as much as it sucks and stresses me so, I did decide to take my senior capstone, do a fellowship, and finish my Spanish minor all on top of a regular schedule along with attempting to have a social life, so it's kinda my own fault. It's a lot to keep up with, which is probably why I already had about ten panic attacks and eaten a thousand pounds of chocolate. But it's fine, right?
I have been so busy that I haven't been able to keep up with the blog or to even sit down and relax for two seconds, until right now (12:41 am but this will be going up later). I told myself that I would post with more of a schedule come the start of the semester, but whoops. I would like to try and post with more regularity, but that just isn't something that I can guarantee. I have a lot of commitments on top of my regular academic load, so my extra free time is few and far between. But while I am here, why don't I give a few updates!
As for my fellowship- if you are at all wondering- I am working with my favorite professor to help transcribe medieval Italian love letters. Transcribing doesn't sound like it would be a hard thing, but it is a hard thing when you realize medieval printing was an abomination. S's and f's look the same thing, u's are v's and v's are u's , and someone way back when didn't care to write out a single word in its entirety because I guess spelling isn't important. The whole experience makes me question my ability to speak the Italian language because it truthfully boggles my mind. However, it isn't necessarily difficult, it's just frustrating.
I also just got a blast from the past! A girl that I worked with at my last internship texted me the other night and said that one of her professors was looking to get some insight into our school's 10-week Ignatian Encounter and the course Finding God in All Things offered by the Center for Ignatian Spirtuality (where I also interned) - 2 things that I participated in and have spoken about on numerous occasions. And while you may be thinking "oh, so "blast from the past" is her talking about her experiences in these programs"- well yes, but there is more. The professor looking for insight is actually a professor that I had for my very first religious studies course first-semester, freshman year! And he remembered me! Pretty amazing if you ask me given that he teaches an intro class and probably has 100 students a semester. Anyways, I am going to be meeting with him in 2 weeks and I will be sharing my story to two of his classes that evening. Who would have thought the Atheist at a Jesuit institution would be invited to speak about so many religious programs.
Also, in some more positive news without being too over dramatic, I can finally say I feel happy at Fairfield. 4 years of searching and I have found my true friend group and have never been happier. While academically I have been struggling to keep up, socially I have never been better. My roommates are some pretty amazing people, and the friendships that I have with them is what is getting me through the tough times. Last night with my roommates and some of our other close friends got together to play some games and it was the most fun I ever had at college. It was the first time that I felt like the stereotypical college student who says things like "college was the best time of my life." While I don't know if I would ever say that, I would say that I'm glad I'm no longer entirely miserable.
So yes, I have not be blogging as much I would have hoped I would at this point in the semester, but I'm doing pretty well in my senior year, and I think that's all we can ask for.