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What's Up Wednesday: End of Summer Near/Preparing for School/New Adventures

What's Up Wednesday: End of Summer/Preparing for School/New Adventures

Hey everyone! Can you believe it is already August? This summer went by so quickly, but then again this year in general has flown by. It has been a little while since I have posted so I thought I would come on here to talk a bit about how this last month of summer is going and how it will continue to go from here on out.

So since there is less than a month until school it feels like there is so much to be done in so little time. It's a mix of having to get everything in order, make sure I have everything I need and I'm planned and ready for move in, all while trying to squeeze in all of the things I haven't gotten around to doing yet this summer. It's overwhelming, and even though I'm a senior now, I still get anxious going back each semester. Just thinking about all my courses, the workload, and all of my academic and extracurricular commitments sends me into a frenzy. However, I freak out about almost everything, so that's not saying much.

And the thing about college is that, with minors and the core, you can go semesters without taking certain subjects, which is my current issue. I only need one more Spanish class to complete my minor, yet I haven't taken Spanish in over a year (and taken Italian in between) so I am beyond rusty. I now spend most of my afternoons reviewing my old notes and practicing verbs just so I can try and be ready for my fifth and final Spanish course in a few short weeks. My biggest problem with knowing more than one language is mixing them up, which if you ask any of my professors I do a lot. But in my defense, Italian and Spanish are pretty similar.

So aside from re-teaching myself a language in the month of August, I am also doing a ton of reading. I am in an literature based English class this fall and the official book list was finally revealed so I am pushing myself to read as many of them before school starts as possible so I can alleviate some of the pressure I may feel once work starts to pile up. Unfortunately I am a terribly slow reader, and to make it even worse, some of these books are really long. I am going to try my best, it may suck up hours of my day, but they are hours that I won't have this time next month. [If by any chance you are interested, at the moment I am reading The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I will be sure to provide my final thoughts once I complete it.]

In other August news, I drive now! Well not legally in the sense that I have my license, but I do have my permit and I have finally - after four years- driven a car on the road. Judge me if you must, but this is a big deal for me since I was so nervous to ever get behind the wheel. But I do want to say that I haven't harmed a soul yet, not even an animal, so I don't believe anyone is in any real danger because of this ( we can hope).

Other than this new venture, I am just dealing with a lot of emails and paperwork at the moment. Since I am an Alumni Mentor once again for my old residential college that I was in back in my sophomore year, I already know that commitment will include meetings and retreats that I need to set aside time for during the semester. In addition to the mentorship, I also have my fellowship to worry about that will certainly require a lot of time. It is because of the fellowship that I decided to step down as president of club field hockey this year. I am still working to schedule games for the team, which can be a hassle when you find yourself emailing dozens of other teams and shooting dates and times and waiting for confirmation but not getting them, but once the season's game schedule is complete I can relax for a bit.

Though this last month of summer is rapidly coming to a close, and will be filled with work, planning, and stress about the coming new school year, I hope to enjoy it as much as I can. I am still going to try and get up at least two posts a week, but given the load of reading and studying I would like to do before my academic return, I truthfully cannot guarantee that. Once I get back into the swing of things at school I may have a new upload schedule, but I won't know until then. As always, thank you for being here, and if you haven't done so already, subscribe to my blog to stay up to date on all of the latest. And until the next one, enjoy life!

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