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Relaxing Sunday Update: What I've Been Up To

Hello everyone! It has been awhile since I gave a little life recap so I thought that I would come on here to share s0me of what I have been up to. Nothing too exciting, but if you like cookies, you will probably want to keep reading :).

So it's been almost a month without the Wubmiester, and I think the pups have finally gotten back to their old selves...well Tucker at least, Ginger didn't really seem to notice the absence. For a while Tuck looked awfully depressed without his big brother, but recently he has seemed so much happier. In fact, I think Tucker is really enjoying all of the extra attention, and he actually tolerates Ginger more than ever before.

We recently got back Webster's ashes along with three clay imprints of his paw. So now we have four different sets of ashes in the house from two rabbits, Webster, and Jamie...three of which we got within the last year. Depressing as hell yes, but at least everyone is back home. Although, we are convinced Ginger sees ghosts because she is always either barking at random things or wagging her tail while looking up the hall towards Jamie's room so perhaps that's only going to get worse. And my parents wonder why I don't like being home alone...

On a lighter note, I spent the other day baking some cookies and these were the end result. I just felt like making thumbprint cookies so I just made a basic shortbread cookie and filled them with blueberry jam, strawberry jam, and chocolate. I think these are the prettiest thumbprint cookies I have ever made because they usually crack and have filling spilling out everywhere. I put the dough in the fridge for a while before forming the cookies, so perhaps that's what did it. Tomorrow I will probably be making some homemade Honey Buns at my dad's request. If you know my dad, you probably think you read that wrong, but he did indeed request them. He is not much of a sweets person, but because he asked, I feel it is my duty to make them for him, and so I will.

I also made some white chocolate blueberry cookies. Yes, you read that correctly, blueberries in cookies, and it has to be the greatest idea ever. We actually have some small blueberry bushes growing in our backyard so they were nice and fresh for baking. And though they aren't the most attractive looking cookies, they are delicious. You wouldn't think white chocolate would work with blueberries, but the combination has the perfect sweetness to it. And since there is fruit in these cookies, they are technically healthy, right? I think so.

So now that I have a plethora of cookies, I am ready for Game Of Thrones tonight. I'm not the biggest fan of the show (mostly because a lot of it confuses me and I don't know all of the characters' names), but it is something to watch and I enjoy the aspects of it that I do understand.

I also just finished reading House Of Mirth (Thank Jesus it's over), so I will have a review full of all of my thoughts later this week and I will be starting a new book very soon. Hopefully I can squeeze two more in before I go back to college, but I am such a slow reader. I also just got some new makeup that I hope to review. I made my first order from bh cosmetics a while ago when they were having a huge sale and it came in on Friday (aka why I was too busy to get an article up that day, makeup makes me crazy). So far I'm loving everything, and I can't wait to share my thoughts along with some swatches with you all. So until then, I hope life treats you all well. Thanks for being here!

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