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Friday Favorites #1

Hello everyone! I am back to the blogging game again today to share some of my recent obsessions from beauty to music to TV. I have decided to bring forth more consistency and theme-based posts to my site, and as a start, I decided to start this very theme and hopefully I will do more of them in the future. So without any further ado, here are my current favorite things --side note -- I kinda feel like Oprah right now.


Playing House

Let's start with my favorite TV show (dare I say it?) of all time! I mean I have probably said that about a thousand other shows, but I honestly mean it when I say it this time. Never before have I laughed so hard and truly come to love the characters before my very eyes. I want Maggie and Emma to be my best friends even though I kinda already feel like they are when I'm watching it.

I don't hear people talk about this show enough and I feel like we should all be taking greater notice of it. If by any chance you are one of those individuals who do not know much about the show, Emma and Maggie are life-long best friends and Emma comes back home from working in China to help raise Maggie's baby after she leaves her cheating husband. It gets even better though because the actresses who play Maggie and Emma (Lennon Parham and Jessica St. Clair, respectively) are actually life-long best friends. Just watching them interact together is a pleasure in and of itself, but these women are hilarious. Their interactions are just so natural that it at times I forget that I am watching a scripted show. And, I most certainly cannot forget Keegan Michael Key, AKA just about the funniest human on the planet. He plays Emma's high-school sweetheart and current boo thang ( I don't want to give too much away if you haven't been keeping up), but he is absolutely perfect in this show. He delivers lines like it is improv and he is coming up with it on the spot and I die laughing every single time.

And now that I cannot think of a single negative thing to say about the show, I must take this opportunity to encourage you to check it out. The 3rd season finale is actually tonight (Friday the 14th), but I am sure you can find the previous episodes somewhere on the internet for sure, and I promise it will be worth your time.


Demi Lovato's New Single "Sorry Not Sorry"

I have been avidly searching for a new song to obsess over for quite some time now, but I have finally found it. As a long-time fan of Demi, I have yet to hear a song of hers that I didn't like, but this has got to be one of my very favorites, and it makes me excited for the potential upcoming album release (a girl can dream, can't she?)

This song truly reflects who she is as a person inside and out, and there is something quite poetic about that. She stays true to form and doesn't try to be any less that who she is and has always been unapologetically, which is something many singers (and people in general) fail to do in their lifetimes. I for one am a huge believer that you shouldn't have to apologize to people for being who you are. Either they like you or they don't, and if they don't, you don't need them in your life. Simple as that. And with Demi I say that I am sorry that I am not sorry for being me. OK so maybe a little deep, but in sum, it's a great song and you should definitely download it ASAP.


GLAMGLOW Supercleanse Daily Treatment Cleanser

GlamGlow SuperCleanse

As a huge fan of GlamGlow Masks, I was so excited to try out this cleanser. I got this one during my awful face breakout situation about a year ago hoping that it would be my last hope but wasn't too happy. Right now you are probably thinking: why is this on your favorite list? Let me explain. This stuff will clean your face and draw out all impurities, which means you face will purge and thus cause more breakouts, which can suck when you already have a ton of breakouts. So I stopped using it, but if I had just given it more time, I bet it would have cleared my skin completely - I was just too impatient to wait.

But since I started using Proactiv and gained some control over my face, this cleanser no longer causes my skin to purge anymore. Instead, it helps to maintain my clean skin and make it glow even more. My face looks and feels amazing and it makes me so very glad that I gave it a second chance. And, it doesn't dry my skin out! It's a huge win for me.


Boscia B.B. Cream

Even though I am a foundation hoarder, sometimes I don't want to wear something so heavy on my face. I have tried a few B.B. creams as well as tinted moisturizers but I either run into the issue of them being way too dark for my skin tone, or they don't provide any coverage at all. However I have found that this B.B. cream is my new saving grace because it gives me coverage and it blends in to match my skin tone perfectly. And bonus points: it wears longer than any other base product that I have ever used.

From the moment I blend this into my skin to the late hours of the night when I am taking this stuff off, it still looks flawless. Yes, it blends in kinda weird and has an unusual whipped texture, but once it is set, it looks nice and matte and I can barely feel it on my face. And, probably my favorite part is that it has SPF, so it is perfect for those hot summer days. I'm definitely going to be wearing this one nonstop these next two months.


Sebamed Anti-Dry Day Defense Cream

Perhaps if you have been following along, you are slowly coming to realize that I try out a ton of moisturizers. I can't help it, I have dry skin! But if you think my moisturizer usage is bad now, think about all the ones I don't even mention on here. Terrifying thought, isn't it?

Anyhow, I got this moisturizer a while back when my skin was in a very bad place breakout wise, and all of the products I was using to combat the acne dried out my skin, so I needed something to hold in moisture all day long. Then while I was in Bed, Bath, and Beyond shopping before heading back to school, I found this gem which I have recently fallen back in love with.

This delightful jar of hydrating heaven keeps my skin flake-free all day long, and it does not cause any sensitivity or breakouts either. It's a lightweight cream that absorbs into my skin in seconds and makeup sits on top of it oh so well. I regret ever putting the jar down, though to be honest, I don't quite remember my reasoning for not using it. Perhaps I just tried something else out and forgot, but I am glad it made its way back into my daily routine. This plain looking jar may be deceiving, but I promise it is magical.


Hopefully you all enjoyed reading about my current favorite things. What are some of your favorite things at the moment? Also, if you have any suggestions about future themed posts you would like to see from me, just let me know. I would love to hear from you. As always, thank you for being here :)

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