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It's The End Of June With Doggie Drama

the pups

I can't believe that it is already the end of June. It feels like it only just started yesterday, but alas we are already two months down since the start of the site, and only two months away from the return to Fairfield. Hopefully the days and weeks slow down a bit because I am not ready to be a college senior.

It hasn't been a really busy month aside from all of the dog related issues. If you haven't been keeping up, we nearly lost poor Webster on Father's Day. Having throat related issues for quite some time in addition to being 12 combined with the summer heat, the poor guy's esophagus closed up on him and he spent a few hours at the Vet that evening. My grandparents had literally just arrived at our house when Webster started to have breathing issues, and by the time we got to the vet he was in full heat stroke mode with a fever and everything. Needless to say, the family barbecue never happened, and we were all crying and preparing for the worst.

It was my mother, grandmother, and I who brought him to the vet, and it was along the journey there that I realized how much I love that dog - I mean one of my false lashes was dangling by a thread on my eye and there were streaks in my foundation from crying but I got in that car anyway. I probably terrified the vet clerk more than the sight of Webster in his awful state.

We sat in the clinic signing all the paperwork to the tune of American Pickers on the waiting room TV, and given the not-so-hopeful conversation with the vet, my brother decided that he wanted to be there thinking that we were going to be saying goodbye to the poor dog. After dropping off my grandma and picking up Tyler, we drove back to the smiling face of the vet in utter shock at Webster's stunning improvement. A few minutes later, Webster was walked out to see us with some assistance from vet technicians, and when he was fully awake, we were able to take him back home. It was an emotional roller-coaster of a night, but we are all so glad to have more time with him. He may not be able to do many of the things he used to love to do, but he still trots around and gets excited to see us and Ginger and Tucker, so I would say he is still a pretty happy guy.

It's kinda annoying that it all went down on Father's Day though, but of course that is just life. I had spent the whole morning baking a peanut butter and chocolate marble layer cake from scratch, and it was such a hot day, but I always bake for holidays and special events so I was glad to do it. There is nothing better than fresh cake and a nice homemade peanut butter frosting to go with it, but unfortunately my grandparents never got to have any of it, and the rest of us started to devour it once we got home from spending the entire evening at the vet. A minor disappointment for the sake of not losing a dog.


I know Webster isn't going to live forever, and the drama of it all certainly aged him quite a deal, but I'm thankful that he didn't pass that evening being in so much pain and scared. I can't imagine how hard it will be on the other dogs once he is gone though. Tucker has never known a time without Webster by his side, and he isn't much of a fan of Ginger, so I'm not entirely sure how the arrangement would work out. Ginger will also be really disappointed and sad once her chief playmate is gone since she really only enjoys running around with Webster. Regardless, I hope we can make however much time Webster has left special in order to finish out his life on a happy and love-filled note. He is such a special guy and he deserves it so.

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