A Fond Childhood Memory

Just the other day, my parents and I were in the kitchen talking before dinner and wouldn't you know, we were watching yet another USA Network marathon of Law and Order: SVU. The show isn't of any significance in this particular memory, but the commercials on this particular channel are. Though perhaps not widely known to this particular niche audience, USA is home to WWE Raw Wrestling, something that I have experience watching with my brother Jamie growing up.
In fact, I used to watch wrestling with my dad and brother so many years ago before it was even called WWE. I'm talking like old-school WCW Hulk Hogan (long before we found out he was a racist, dirty old man) and Macho Man Randy Savage. It's definitely even older than that, but fifteen years ago is still a long time. I know it's kinda pathetic to some degree to enjoy watching fake fighting, and when those commercials were on, it all looks so stupid in hindsight, yet something about it pulls you in. The commercial immediately reminded me of all the promotional stuff for the annual Wrestlemania event and how we used to order the Pay Per View to see it. It was a big deal, and it felt real when I was little. Now of course it looks faker than ever to me, and way over-the-top.
What I found most interesting about being in the kitchen with my parents was my dad's response. He said, "I guess I'm gonna have to start watching wrestling again," alluding to the fact that Jamie is no longer with us so who is to watch it. I mean Jamie watched that stuff religiously, not just when we were little. He was always into the whole fighting spectacle, and though he was much larger than me, I didn't always lose. However, the phrase "if you don't want to get hurt, don't play with Jamie" was coined as a result. Maybe that's why my parents don't exactly worry about my well-being when it comes to dating and being on my own in general.
Regardless of how overly dramatic and phony the whole spectacle is, it brings back quite a deal of memories. I remember playing some old wrestling video game on the Nintendo 64. Mostly I remember fussing around with the controls not having a clue what I was doing, yet winning much to the dismay of my brother. I remember all the old tapes and DVD specials of the old wrestling clips focused on certain characters. You have to admit, the story lines those producers come up with are pretty impressive. Stupid, but impressive. The costumes and the little intro music video things are also pretty awful. I mean, grown men running around in speedos is more than a little crazy, and at times a tad unsightly (OK like really unsightly).
Interestingly enough, as a communication major going to school in Connecticut, I have been told many a time that I should look into working for the WWE, as their headquarters are in the state. In fact, my old Otolaryngologist (incredibly named Dr. Wisdom) was the first one to bring it to my attention a year ago, and since then I have had a few professors also let me know about the potential opportunity. Considering that some of the pro-wrestlers go on to be actors in huge films (Dave Bautista in Guardians of the Galaxy) and not-so great films ( John Cena in just about any crappy comedy nowadays), it might not be a bad idea. Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by men who get paid to workout and have an incredible physique all year long? But if we are being honest, it would be pretty ironic if I did in fact end up working for the company.
Now, am I going to start watching wrestling religiously now? Hell no, but I'll watch the commercials and be left with a nice memory. Perhaps I'll smile at how ridiculous it all is. Maybe I'll do a quick job search, see if anything is available. Who knows, maybe I'll have an in - some divine intervention post- interview wouldn't hurt. None of it would surprise me, all of it would be hysterical to watch play out.