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End Of May Recap

May is finally over and boy did it fly! I didn't do very much this month -aside from the obvious website/blog situation - but I wanted to come on here and write a bit since I haven't for few days. I have a lot of things planned for the coming weeks post-wise, but I want to space things out a bit. I'm still trying to figure out how often to post, like I want to find a balance between too much content that people ignore and enough content to maintain interest. It's only been about a month, so I'm sure I will figure it out.

Most of the excitement this month revolves around food, which I don't mind in this slightest because food is everything. My brother was on a trip to see his girlfriend in Arizona and during that time my mom, grandma, and I went to Avocados in Fishkill. I absolutely love Mexican food and I love this place, but yet again I love just about any Mexican food, so that might not be saying much. We went for lunch and the place was empty when we got there, and when we were done we were the only ones there.

Avocado Fries

One of the key selling points to this place is their avocado fries, which are to die for. I am a huge avocado person, but ironically I never always was. When I was little I used to make guacamole with my grandma when I was over my grandparent's house, but I never ate here I am eating strips of straight-up fried avocado fifteen years later. Nonetheless these things are amazing and I highly recommend you go try them. You might think it sounds gross or weird, but trust me on this, you won't regret it.

In other adventures in food, my mom and I stopped by our favorite place, McKinney and Doyle, earlier this month. We try to go there every time I am home for an extended break and as much as we try and convince ourselves otherwise, we always get the same thing (or at least my mom did this time around, I was different).

McKinney and Doyle

Before we even ordered food we got lattes. They come out on these plates with little fixings that you can add to your cup: cinnamon sugar, chocolate, and chocolate covered espresso beans. I believe we got the turtle brownie option, which is hazelnut, caramel, and dark chocolate flavor. My mom wasn't a huge fan, but personally I am a hazelnut coffee fanatic so it just about made my entire month.

After our lattes we had our lunch, which came exceptionally fast. My mom ordered her usual Chicken and Waffles, but I wanted to try something new so I got the Chicken Tacos (real Mexican themed month for me I suppose).

Chicken and Waffles

Chicken Tacos

Both dishes looked incredible and they tasted even better. That place never, ever fails me, and it is definitely one of my favorite restaurants in the world. And in case you were wondering, my favorite dish of all time from their menu is Louis Pancakes. It is pancakes stuffed with fruit and marscapone and it is literally heaven on a plate, so if you get the chance to go there you have to try them.

Now that my food pictures have perhaps lapsed you into a mental food coma, I shall move on to less exciting ventures; my apologies for any induced hunger.

As for the rest of the month, I have been trying to organize and plan future posts and content for the site. I am trying my best to up my Instagram game in an effort to draw more attention to my site and my to my makeup skills.. if we can call them skills, and to let the world know a little bit more about me. So far I have gained a little over thirty new followers over the course of the month, so that already exceeded my expectations. I guess it can really only go up from here.

I'm going to try to be a bit more organized from here on out as to setting a number of times I will be posting each week with a variety of topics, not just one thing or another. My life isn't this super exciting thing, so it's not like I have a plethora of fabulous stories to tell each week. I suppose that makes things a bit more realistic, so hopefully people appreciate that.

If anyone has any suggestions on what kind of content they want to see from me or reviews they want to read, let me know and I would be happy to oblige! Thank you for staying on board with this and I look forward to getting more content out for you all very soon!

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