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Being Back Home

There is a sense of over-whelming comfort that comes from being back home for summer break. I can't explain it, but all stress seems to just felt away when I am behind the doors of my darling home. This is not to say I'm completely anxiety-free when I'm home -because let me tell you, that is not the case- but the anxiety is certainly much less than when I am at school.

My family home is like a mute therapist to me, and my family is the actual therapy. It's hard to be stressed with three dogs sitting by your feet and getting excited every time you walk into the room. Every single time I walk outside to play with the dogs, if Webster is already out there sitting on the hill, he has to come and greet me. What's sweeter than that? Nothing I tell you. Nothing.

But I have to say, one of my favorite parts about being home is spending my nights in the living room with my mom, dad, and three puppers. It's become second nature to sit there after dinner either watching repeats of Seinfeld or anything political. I couldn't tell you the difference between the different news channels, but I can say that the word "Trump" shows up a lot, and it is usually followed with some fighting. But we enjoy it nonetheless. Perhaps the opportunity to mock how foolish most of the apparent "experts" appear and sound on live television is what we bond over. I know that sounds quite cruel, but you have to admit that it is hilarious to watch a young guest speaker get trampled on by the host with a smile on his/her face, or even the excessive use of bronzer and hair extensions of everyone you see. It's quite the spectacle - much more theatrical than political.

It may not seem like much, but those few hours sitting there laughing at the television mean a great deal to me. I know they aren't going to last forever since I'll be a college grad in a year, so I want to appreciate the days I have left like this. It's my last real summer (please Lord, get me a job next year), and I don't want to miss out on a single moment no matter how silly the moment may be.


Sitting on the couch with my dogs is the greatest, and it is even funnier to watch them play musical chairs with regard to who is sitting where. Although, the game is mostly dictated by wherever Ginger wants to sit (case in point right here as she kicked Tucker off the couch in order to sleep next to me). That photo was also taken moments before she viciously kicked me in her sleep and proceeded to run to the back door growling and barking. I never said she was a bright dog. A cute one, but not very bright.


My dogs make me happy, and quality time with my parents make me happy. Perhaps that makes me a bit of an outlier for preferring to spend my nights with my parents versus my friends, but yet again I've never been one to participate in social gatherings with those of my age. It's just the kind of person I am. I'm an equal split introvert and extrovert. My desire to socialize could flip on a dime for no rhyme or reason, but more often than not I will always choose to stay in and not go out. Sweats and left over ice cream cake from my mom's birthday are way more important than having to put on real clothing and talk to people. And I have to say, my parents are pretty cool. I never went through a stage where I found them embarrassing (OK, maybe my dad's short shorts are not the best), but I have no issues being seen with them in public (unless my dad is making some rather loud, snarky commentary about the people around us in a restaurant). I've always been super close with my mom, but I think these after dinner TV watching sessions have brought us all closer together, and I think that's a pretty incredible thing.

Yes, making fun of political pundits or laughing about "the puffy shirt" for hundredth time, might seem like a silly way to spend your time, but it is what we enjoy doing as a family, and it is what I look forward to when I'm coming home. Things just wouldn't be the same without it.


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